Axial Drift: How to Set Dedicated Server

How to set-up a Dedicated-Server trough the use of SteamCMD.
Included a batch script example.



Linux users; i am sorry but i fully expect you to be able to
interpretate the windows instructions and write your own shell scripts.

  • SteamCMD
    You require SteamCMD to be installed. This can be anywhere.
    In this example i have it located in C:\SteamCMD
  • No usage of ‘force_install_dir’
    All default directories will be used

First i will explain how to install and run the server manually.
And then i will show you a batch script to automate this process.


Start a ‘Command Prompt’ and navigate to where SteamCMD is located
CD c:\SteamCMD
Now run SteamCMD



First time it will download and install itself fully.
Wait for this to finish.

When this is finished we are now inside the SteamCMD’s console.
From here we will install/update the game.
But first we need to log-in to steam.
You do not require a account we can use the ‘anonymous’ login option.

login anonymous

Installing the Server

Inside SteamCMD type

app_update 1757540


(1757540 is steam’s ID for the server)
The game will be installed into
C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\TRILEGY Dedicated Server
(Yes it is called TRILEGY, blame Kevin for this one. I hope one day he changes it)
Run the command again to update the server.
Once we are done with installing/updating the server.

This is not recommended!
But you could run the ‘ArenaVRServer.exe’ and be done.
Yet i recommend you at least run the executable with the ‘-log’ option.
Either trough a shortcut or batch file.

"C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\TRILEGY Dedicated Server\ArenaVRServer.exe -log"



If you want to install Mods you will need to download/update these trough SteamCMD
Open SteamCMD again and login as anonymous, as is shown above.

To download one of the workshop mods, you will require the publishedfileid of the mod.
Example publishedfileid: 2643689608 ‘Kevins Modding Test Zone’

workshop_download_item 1707030 2643689608

(1707030 is steam’s ID for the game)

The Mods will now be downloaded into
We will need to move these files to the server.
Place the whole mod folder (e.g. 2643689608) into
C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\TRILEGY Dedicated Server\ArenaVR\Mods

Finally we will need to add the ‘publisherfileid’ number into the WorkshopItems.txt
(Otherwise the mod won’t load)
You can find this file in the Mods folder.

Configuring the Server

Navigate to

C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\TRILEGY Dedicated Server\ArenaVR\Saved\Config\WindowsServer

And open ‘DedicatedServer.ini’

Change the ‘ServerName=’ to a unique and indentifiable name.
As well here you can adjust the ‘MapName=’ to use what map you wish to run.
(Default the map is set to ‘DesertKingdom’, please download map mods before changing this)

Network Ports

The game uses the following ports

7777, 27015

Please allow these trough your Firewall and/or port-forward these on your Router.


How to automate all of this.
We can write a batch file!
:: This is the directory Steamcmd is installed in.
SET d1=C:\Steamcmd\
:: This is the directory where the script expects the server to be located in.
SET d2=%d1%steamapps\common\TRILEGY Dedicated Server\
:: steam_appID's. (do not change)
SET d0=1757540
SET m0=1707030
:: These are the directories where the mods will be downloaded and moved to the server.
SET m1=%d1%steamapps\workshop\content\1707030
SET m2=%d2%ArenaVR\Mods
:: The following SET's are all the mods that will be downloaded/updated before server start.
:: Include here all mod's that you want by workshop 'publishedfileid' number.
:: - Increment the variable number, do not change the 'modid-' part, only incriment the number. (used for automation)
SET modid-0=2643689608
SET modid-1=2680738149
:: Let us begin the script!
CD %d1%
START /wait steamcmd.exe +login anonymous Axial-Drift +app_update %d0% +quit
DEL /Q "%d2%\ArenaVR\Mods\WorkshopItems.txt"
SET /A modcount=0
CALL SET modrun=modid-%modcount%
IF "!%modrun%!"=="" (
    ) ELSE (
START /wait steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +workshop_download_item %m0% !%modrun%! +quit
SET /A modcount=%modcount%+1
xcopy /SY "%m1%" "%m2%"
CD "%d2%"
START /wait ArenaVRServer.exe -log

Paste this code into notepad and save it as a .bat file
You can put this batch file nearly anywhere
I recommend either on the Desktop or inside the SteamCMD root folder.

This small batch script should function perfectly for you.
But this snippet is only the small 40-line version so it can fit in this Guide.
Full script is over 280 lines.
(You just will be missing a few features and all but the essential comments)
Contact us on the Axial-Drift Discord server[] for full version.

Thanks to eledore for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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