Long Live The Queen: How To Get “To Serve Evil” And More

In here you will get:

– “Illuminate!”
– “Off With Their Heads!”
– “A Little Backup” (two ways to get this)
– “Casting a Shadow”
– “Make It Look Like An Accident”
– “The Gauntlet Thrown”
– “To Serve Evil”


Weeks 1-10
Week 1
(Studied Accounting in the morning.)
(Studied Accounting in the afternoon.)
Talk to Charlotte, Lady Merva

Week 2
(Studied Accounting in the morning.)
(Studied Trade in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Send her away] [Arrest her] [Let her stay]
Player chose: Arrest her
Visit dungeons
Menu: [Hear her out] [Taunt her]
Player chose: Hear her out
Menu: [Free her] [Refuse]
Player chose: Free her

Week 3
(Studied Trade in the morning.)
(Studied Trade in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Hold still] [Look down]
Player chose: Look down
Talk to Julianna, Duchess of Ursul

Week 4
(Studied Production in the morning.)
(Studied Production in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
Talk To Father

Week 5
(Put on the economics outfit.)
(Studied Accounting in the morning.)
(Studied Accounting in the afternoon.)
Visit Treasury

Week 6
(Studied Dance in the morning.)
(Studied Dance in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Climb up to look over the hedge] [Call the guards] [Run and hide]
Player chose: Call the guards
Talk to Julianna, Duchess of Ursul
Menu: [Do it] [Don’t do it]
Player chose: Do it (Unlocked “Illuminate!”)

Week 7
(Studied Sense Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Apologise] [Punish her]
Player chose: Punish her
Visit Treasury

Week 8
(Studied Resist Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Resist Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Invest] [Don’t invest]
Player chose: Invest
Visit Treasury

Week 9
(Studied Wield Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Wield Magic in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
Attend Court

Week 10
(Put on the lumen outfit.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Surrender Province] [Offer him money if Ixion withdraws] [Bluff / Intimidate] [Execute him]
Player chose: Execute him
Attend Service

Weeks 11-20
Week 11
(Studied Sense Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the afternoon.)
Talk To Julianna, Duchess of Ursul
Menu: [Order her to explain] [Let it go]
Player chose: Order her to explain

Week 12
(Studied Resist Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Resist Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Accept his offer] [Politely decline]
Player chose: Politely decline
Talk To Father

Week 13
(Studied Resist Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Resist Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Put her to work] [Imprison her] [Execute her]
Player chose: Execute her (Unlocked “Off With Their Heads!”)
Attend Court

Week 14
(Studied Wield Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Wield Magic in the afternoon.)
Attend Court

Week 15
(Studied Wield Magic in the morning.)
You have nothing more to learn about Wield Magic.
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Poems praising your mother] [Pro-Lumen propaganda] [Religious doctrine]
Player chose: Religious doctrine
Attend Court

Week 16
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the morning.)
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [I will lead the parade] [I will parade and make a speech] [I would rather not go]
Player chose: I would rather not go
Menu: [Confess your fears] [Yell at her]
Player chose: Yell at her
Visit Treasury

Week 17
(Studied Ciphering in the morning.)
(Studied Ciphering in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Someone about your age] [Someone younger than you] [Someone older than you] [Someone already married] [Someone scandalous]
Player chose: Someone scandalous
Menu: [Talk to your aunt] [Let it go]
Player chose: Talk to your aunt
Menu: [Accuse her of hiding something] [Offer her a court position] [Promise not to tell]
Player chose: Accuse her of hiding something (Unlocked “A Little Backup”)
Attend Service

Week 18
(Studied Internal Affairs in the morning.)
(Studied Ciphering in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Shame her with silent scorn] [Insult her with false flattery] [Trip her as she passes]
Player chose: Insult her with false flattery
Menu: [Noble plots] [Commoner uprisings] [Foreign threats] [Assassins]
Player chose: Noble plots
Talk To Julianna, Duchess of Ursul
(You unlock “Casting Shadows” by talking to Julianna or choosing noble plots, I forget. I just remember you need to do one of them. Do both to be safe.)

Week 19
(Studied Internal Affairs in the morning.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
(Studied Internal Affairs in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Raise taxes] [Keep them the same] [Lower taxes]
Player chose: Raise taxes
Visit Tomb

Week 20
(Put on the intrigue outfit.)
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the morning.)
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the afternoon.
Menu: [Question him about crystal] [Pardon him] [Imprison him] [Execute him]
Player chose: Question him about crystal (Unlocked “A Little Backup”)
Sneak Out

Weeks 21-30
Week 21
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the morning.)
(Studied Foreign Intelligence in the afternoon.)
You have nothing more to learn about Foreign Intelligence.
Menu: [That’s hilarious!] [That’s terrible!]
Player chose: That’s terrible!
Menu: [Climb out and grab it] [Ignore it]
Player chose: Ignore it
Talk To Julianna, Duchess of Ursul

Week 22
(Studied Dogs in the morning.)
(Studied Dogs in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Leave him with Arisse] [Send him to his grandfather] [Marry him] [Send him to your uncle]
Player chose: Send him to his grandfather
Play With Toys

Week 23
(Studied Falcons in the morning.)
(Studied Falcons in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Accept her as Court Musician] [Reject her]
Player chose: Reject her
Attend Service

Week 24
(Studied Falcons in the morning.)
(Studied Horses in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Send soldiers to arrest her] [Send assassins to kill her] [Wait for more information]
Player chose: Send assassins to kill her (Unlocked “Make It Look Like An Accident”)
Visit Tomb

Week 25
(Studied Horses in the morning.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
(Studied Horses in the afternoon.)
You may now Hunt on the weekends.
Go Hunting

Week 26
(Studied Lore in the morning.)
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Blame the Earl of Ishtar] [Blame Talasse] [Blame no one]
Player chose: Blame the Earl of Ishtar
Menu: [Imprison him] [Execute him]
Player chose: Execute him
Menu: [Name a Novan heir] [Name Talarist the heir] [Delay]
Player chose: Delay
Play With Toys

Week 27
(Studied Composure in the morning.)
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
Your skill in Lore is now 50. You may not increase this skill until your other Faith skills are 25 or higher.
Menu: [Go to Sudbury for Gwenelle’s party] [Send your regrets]
Player chose: Send your regrets
Attend Court

Week 28
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
Your skill in Lore is now 50. You may not increase this skill until your other Faith skills are 25 or higher. (I did this by mistake, but I still finished with all the achievements)
Attend Court

Week 29
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Divination in the afternoon.)
Attend Court

Week 30
(Studied Composure in the morning.)
(Studied Divination in the afternoon.)
Attend Court

Weeks 31-36
Week 31
(Studied Meditation in the morning.)
(Studied Meditation in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
Attend Court

Week 32
(Studied Presence in the morning.)
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Status and praise] [Employment] [Gold]
Player chose: Gold
Go Hunting

Week 33
(Studied Presence in the morning.)
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Mounted Parade] [Jousting] [Fencing] [Archery] [Music] [Falconry] [None]
Player chose: Falconry
Menu: [Accept] [Refuse] [Kill him with magic]
Player chose: Kill him with magic
(You either need to pick falconry or kill him to unlock “The Gauntlet Thrown”, I forget again. Just do both again, ok?)
Go Hunting

Week 34
(Studied Presence in the morning.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
(Studied Lore in the afternoon.)
You have nothing more to learn about Lore.
Menu: [Recruit soldiers] [Don’t]
Player chose: Don’t
Menu: [Direct the fleet] [Stay in the capital]
Player chose: Stay in the capital
Go Hunting

Week 35
(Put on the royal_demeanour outfit.)
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Presence in the afternoon.)
Go Hunting

Week 36
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Presence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Accept his terms] [Offer to give him your power] [Sing to him] [Refuse outright]
Player chose: Offer to give him your power
Menu: [Do it] [Refuse]
Player chose: Do it
(Unlocked “To Serve Evil”)

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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