NITE Team 4 – Comprehensive Guide to Network Intrusion

This is a walkthrough for the Academy Training “Network Intrusion”



In Network Intrusion agent Conway will teach you about several tools that are used to gather Intel on a certain network and exploit it. You will learn more about the following tools: “Social Engineering Toolkit” (or SET for short), “WMI Scanner”, “Active Directory”, “Man In The Middle” (or MITM for short), “Aircrack” and you will also need to use the skills you learn in a final test to prove yourself.

This section contains 6 training missions, each with multiple parts.

This guide is meant to be used as a resource and will contain hints in order to help you solve the missions, but it will not contain the actual answers.

The missions are the following:

  1. SET Toolkit ( NITE.02 )
  2. Network Scanning ( NITE.03 )
  3. Active Directory ( NITE.04 )
  4. Man In The Middle ( NITE.05 )
  5. Aircrack ( NITE.06 )
  6. Newstream Live ( NITE.07 )


Network Intrusion Overview



This training mission will teach you about the “Social Engineering Toolkit” module which exploits human flaws to give you access to a network.

SET TOOLKIT ( NITE.02 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – Read what the game wants you to do.


SET TOOLKIT ( NITE.02 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


SET TOOLKIT ( NITE.02 ) : Phase 3

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 3 — You know the company’s name, now what could use to build an email database by crawling LinkedIn?
  • Hint 4 — The rest of the options (File Format, Payload, Template) are told to you.



This training mission will teach about the “WMI Scanner” module, this is one of the tools that is used to do reconnaissance when inside of a private network. We will continue where you left off from the “SET Toolkit” certification (Leon’s Computer).

Network Scanning ( NITE.03 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


Network Scanning ( NITE.03 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 — You can use the “help” command to understand more about the “dig” command.
  • Hint 3 — You can use the “dig” command to find out what path from netscan has the “IBM Watson” technology.


Network Scanning ( NITE.03 ) : Phase 3

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – You are looking for a mail server, what tool could you use to gather that information?
  • Hint 3 — The game gave you a domain for Sunshade Corp. Now just remember the previous certifications and how you are supposed to find subdomains.
  • Hint 4 — You may find a username for a Sunshade Corp IT employee.
  • Hint 5 — Remember the first part of this certification.
  • Hint 6 — You already have a target subdomain and a username to perform a password attack on a user’s mail account.



This training mission will allow you to familiarize yourself with the “Active Directory” module, which is used to look at certain information contained in the computer network, more specifically Windows domain networks.

Active Directory ( NITE.04 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


Active Directory ( NITE.04 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


Active Directory ( NITE.04 ) : Phase 3

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – Look around for the IT admin.
  • Hint 3 — Now that you’ve got a username you just need to find the IT mainframe that is connected to the network you are currently in.
  • Hint 4 — Remember what tool could find paths in the internal network, you learned to use it in the previous certification.
  • Hint 5 — Now that you have found a target path (the IT Mainframe) and a user (the IT admin) you can run a password attack.



This training mission will teach you about the “Man In the Middle” or “MITM” module for short and how to use it, this tool is powerful when it comes to monitoring a network as it can detect packets that are to and from the network. You will also learn about Password Hashes and how to crack them.

Man In The Middle ( NITE.05 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


Man In The Middle ( NITE.05 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 — There’s a weird subdomain on the URL Snapper in the MITM module.
  • Hint 3 — Maybe it’s the intranet subdomain.
  • Hint 4 — When choosing what poison to use in MITM, it’s best to read the instructions.


Man In The Middle ( NITE.05 ) : Phase 3

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – Remember what module was used to find paths?
  • Hint 3 – You now have an active directory path, there’s a module that can use that path.
  • Hint 4 – You’re looking for password policies, think logically.
  • Hint 5 – Now launch the password attack and use the password has you found earlier.
  • Hint 6 – Now you can use the policies to shorten the possibilities.



This training mission will test you on how to use the “Aircrack” module, that is used to see the registry of phones connected to a wifi at a certain time and date, and if you have been given permission you are able to access said phone.

.Aircrack ( NITE06 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.


Aircrack ( NITE.06 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 — You have the schedule of the target, so you need to cross-reference it with the entities that appear in the Aircrack module.


Aircrack ( NITE.06 ) : Phase 3

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 — If you have the note, you will get a url, a username and a password, now you just need to connect to it with filebrowser.



In this mission you will be put in a simulation of a real life situation, if you manage to prove yourself here, you will finish the certification and be one step closer to a fully skilled Nite Team 4 agent.

Newstream Live ( NITE.07 ) : Phase 1

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – Remember what you learned in the previous academy missions, on how to find a vulnerable subdomain.
  • Hint 3 – Maybe sfuzzer or osintscan will dig up something.


Newstream Live ( NITE.07 ) : Phase 2

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – Remember the previous certification, where you learn to look for paths connected to a certain network.
  • Hint 3 – Maybe WMI will find something, don’t forget to dig it too.
  • Hint 4 – Now you need to use XkeyScore to find Intel about where our target’s crew car disappeared, remember the target Laura Walker.
  • Hint 5 – She needs to be accompanied by a cameraman, maybe if you use Laura Walker, the camera man and the organization, you’ll find something.
  • Hint 6 – Now that you know she was in a car, you can find her location.
  • Hint 7 – Since she is in a car, she must have been seen by a traffic CCTV camera.
  • Hint 8 – Maybe if you try Laura Walker, her organization and an Ottawa service, you’ll find her location.
  • Hint 9 – Now that you have her coordinates and a license plate number, you can track her using the Satellite View.


Newstream Live ( NITE.07 ) : Phase 3

Difficulty: Training

  • Hint 1 – It’s as easy as following instructions.
  • Hint 2 – You can find the billboards domain from the Satellite view.
  • Hint 3 – You can find the billboard’s company domain from the Satellite view.
  • Hint 4 – Don’t forget to try sfuzzer and osintscan.
  • Hint 5 – Don’t forget to read what the game asks you to do.
  • Hint 6 – After you have access, return to the Satellite view.


This guide was written by LeikRad<3

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.